FKB Buildings
FKB-Buildings is part of the Felles Kartdatabase (FKB). FKB is a collection of datasets that form a central part of the base map.
FKB-Buildings contains detailed building information. The data includes descriptions of all types of buildings, roof overhangs, descriptive building lines (for example ridge line) and building appendages (for example veranda).
FKB-Buildings uses the same definition/division of a building as the cadastre and has a 1:1 link to the cadastre by entering building numbers from the cadastre on the buildings in FKB-Buildings.
FKB-Buildings is based on a 2.5D building model. This means that the data does not contain volume/3D objects, but that the height values to the top of the objects are recorded. Simple 3D models can therefore be created by projecting the FKB data onto a terrain model.
FKB data is non-sensitive and open data. The FKB data is financed through the Geovekst partnership, or by the municipalities alone for municipalities outside Geovekst. The FKB data is freely available to Norway digital parties and can be downloaded through the download solution on Geonorge. Private actors must purchase access to the data through a reseller.
Resource Metadata
Field | Value |
URL | |
Format | 3DTILES |
Data last updated | November 20, 2024 |
Metadata last updated | November 20, 2024 |
Created | November 20, 2024 |
License | No License Provided |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | True |
Id | 73c23967-68d0-4820-8ddb-aff58d6d8de4 |
Mimetype | application/json |
Package id | 0bec71d5-e265-449e-a61f-f7fba47de287 |
Position | 0 |
State | active |